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Resources for Adults

Key Talking Points (excerpts from A Place for Precious Presentation)


“Every child needs and deserves at least one adult in their life to tell them they are important, they have value, and they are loved.”


The ABCs of Helping Children from Hard Places
ttachment Bond – Adults focus on emotional relationships, paying close attention to their tone of voice, gestures, and emotions toward children. Each adult in A Place for Precious was intentional about positively attaching to Precious emotionally

(kind and encouraging words, smiles, high-fives, etc.).


Building Trust – Adults establish the capacity for trust by following through, communicating, getting to know children’s preferences and personalities, and displaying patience with children. The adults in Precious’ life cautiously built trust with her.


Consistent and Healthy Routines – Adults capitalize on fostering reliability by using the “Ss of Success” – Safety, Security, Stability, and Structure. The school became the place where Precious felt safe and secure. The adults ensured that things were stable, and structure was in place. This created an environment where Precious was successful.


For Training, Keynote Presentations, or Motivational Speeches, contact Shaneil “PJ” Yarbrough here.






The phrase "children from hard places" was coined by Dr. Karyn Purvis (1949-2016) to describe children who have suffered hard times such as trauma, abuse, neglect, or other

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) early in life.


Source: The Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development, Texas Christian University, 2023

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years) that cause disruptions in a child’s life. 






Positive Childhood Experiences (PCE)s


Learn more about Positive Childhood Experiences with this two-page document from HOPE – Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences.






The 10 most commonly ACEs measured in research are: 

  1. Child’s parent/caregiver incarcerated

  2. Child felt unsupported, unloved, or unprotected by parent/caregiver order, etc.)

  3. Child’s parent/caregiver has mental health issues (depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD,
    anxiety disorder)

  4. Child insulted, humiliated, or put you down by a parent/caregiver

  5. Child has a lack of appropriate care by parent/caregiver (unstable housing, not enough food, etc.)

  6. Child has a parent/caregiver with substance abuse problems

  7. Child is a victim or witness of abuse (emotional, mental, physical, or sexual) 

  8. Child undergoes significant changes in the relationship of their parent/caregiver (divorced, separated, or partners moved in or out)

  9. Child experiences the loss of parent/caregiver (death, foster care, immigration, etc.)

  10. Child or parent/caregiver with serious illnesses or major surgeries


Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2023

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